by SJI | Jul 24, 2019 | Featured
“There was once a little man called Niggle, who had a long journey to make. He did not want to go, indeed the whole idea was distasteful to him; but he could not get out of it. He knew he would have to start some time, but he did not hurry with his preparations…” – J....
by SJI | Jul 3, 2019 | Featured
In this and the next few blog posts, we will be looking at St. John Paul II’s encyclical Laborem Exercens, honing in on some of the saint’s key insights and relating them to our business life today. The first major point St. John Paul II focuses on is how work is...
by SJI | Apr 17, 2019 | Featured
The old adage goes that a man wanted to figure out why he was so busy, but he just didn’t have the time to do it. Do you feel the same way? Most of us fall into the trap of thinking that we are too busy. But this is a trap; it is a mistake to think of our times in...
by SJI | Mar 27, 2019 | Featured
Isn’t it surprising that monks could have something to teach busy modern people about how to live their busy modern lives well? But it’s true. The timeless truths about human nature that have guided monk’s lives throughout the centuries hold lessons for busy 21st...
by SJI | Mar 13, 2019 | Featured
Our work life focuses us very much on efficiency and productivity. This often makes us feel relative to our work instead of seeing work as relative to us and to the expansion of our human spirit. Even if we’re not in a factory, we can begin to feel like part of an...