St. Homobonus

St. Homobonus

If you know your Latin, you’ll know that St. Homobonus’ name literally means “good man.” What a fitting name for a great, and underappreciated, saint! St. Homobonus is a special model for the missionary entrepreneur: He was in many ways an average businessman facing...
Mother Frances Xavier Cabrini

Mother Frances Xavier Cabrini

The Cabrini Shrine is situated in Golden, Colorado. The plot of land was negotiated and purchased in 1910 by a religious sister, Mother Frances Xavier Cabrini, who wanted to use it as a summer camp for orphaned girls she took care of in Denver. Unfortunately, the land...
Business Skills in the Bible, Part 2

Business Skills in the Bible, Part 2

What characterizes the best leader, employer, or mentor you’ve had the opportunity to know? Likely the great leaders you’ve been most influenced by have been characterized by the catching force of humble yet confident leadership. Great leaders are grounded in...
Business Skills in the Bible, Part 1

Business Skills in the Bible, Part 1

“It is certain that at the time of early Christians, no one covered as many kilometers as he did over land and over the seas, with the sole aim of proclaiming the Gospel.” – Pope Benedict XVI If you think about it closely, communication seems an impossible task....
Be Bold: Greatness Requires Daring

Be Bold: Greatness Requires Daring

What makes a person truly great? One way of measuring greatness is by desire or thirst. How much we want to get a new job or acquire a new skill will affect if and how well we do that thing. Wanting something “badly enough” makes the desire overflow into our actions,...